Lossless cut review
Lossless cut review

Each video segment will appear in a list on the right side of the screen, where you can add, remove, and change the order of them. To remove a small section from the middle of a video, for example, you could navigate to where the section you wish to delete starts, click on the Cut End button to set the endpoint of the first segment, then navigate to where the removed section of video ends and click on the + button in the segment list to create a new segment (This new segment will stretch until the end of the video). By default, there is one long segment spanning the entire length of the video. To edit videos in LosslessCut, you essentially need to select which segments of the video you want to keep, and all the remaining bits of unselected video will be removed. The cut start and end buttons allow you to set the beginning and end points of each video segment.

lossless cut review

In the lower half of the screen, you will find the timeline and time counter, play button and keyframe seeker buttons, and the Cut Start and Cut End buttons (The small hand pointer icons).

lossless cut review

Once you've loaded in a video, you can begin the editing process. Any videos not directly supported by LosslessCut can easily be converted for editing by clicking on Convert to supported format in the File menu (This is just for preview and editing purposes only the final video will still be exported in the original format without any quality loss). LosslessCut can import from a variety of video formats, such as MP4, MOV, MKV, and more. Loading in a video is as simple as dragging and dropping it into the program.

lossless cut review

LosslessCut has a very polished and well designed user interface. This also means that LosslessCut can export videos much faster than a traditional video editor can. As the name implies, LosslessCut manages to retain the original quality of the video you are editing by directly cutting and copying over the data stream, rather than actually re-encoding the whole video. LosslessCut is a simple, yet powerful video trimming and splitting tool designed to be very fast and easy to use.

Lossless cut review